Exploring for minerals for
environmentally sustainable products



Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are concepts that relate to an organisation’s ability to create and sustain long-term value in a rapidly changing world while managing the risks and opportunities associated with these changes. Zenith has a firm commitment to each of these concepts in line with its ambitions of becoming a driving force in the global energy transition.
Zenith is committed to developing its gold and base metals assets, with a focus on growing a lithium portfolio in Australia. The objective of this focus is to position itself into becoming a pre-eminent explorer and project developer in the lithium market that is crucial to the global electrification thematic.
In addition, Zenith has flagged environmental issues as a consideration moving forward, and it looks to work towards targets to limit its carbon footprint. It also aims to ‘enhance biodiversity protection by assessing and considering ecological values and land-use aspects in investments, operational and closure activities’.
Management aims to regularly review its progress in these areas, and to ensure that it complies with all relevant environmental legislation.
The social aspects of Zenith’s business are key to operating successfully in the community. Zenith seeks to act in the interest of its workforce and the community in which it operates. This includes promoting and improving the health of these stakeholders while managing the risks to employees, contractors, the environment and the community. It aims to seek input from people affected by operations, and to develop meaningful partnerships in its host communities.
Zenith also recognises the importance of creating a diverse workforce and has a diversity policy to ensure that its objectives are achieved. The company is focused on building a diverse workforce with respect to gender, age, ethnicity and cultural background. These diversity objectives extend to the composition of the board. Zenith has highlighted the following gender diversity programs and initiatives targeting employee development:
- Mentoring programs
- Networking opportunities
- Professional development programs that are targeted at helping women and men develop skills and experience for advancement to senior management and board positions
- Flexible work arrangements
- Management support for the promotion of talented women and men into leadership roles.
The Board is responsible for Zenith’s corporate governance: developing, reviewing, and monitoring performance against strategic objectives.
The Board has adopted a remuneration structure, risk assessment and policies that are predominantly in line with market practices. Separate committees on the Board have been established for remuneration and nominations, as well as audit, business risk and compliance.
Zenith’s governance is documented in its Corporate Governance Statement.