Earaheedy Zinc JV

Zinc Project (JV - 25% Free Carried Interest)

The Earaheedy Zinc Joint Venture is located approximately 110km north of Wiluna in Western Australia and spans an area covering the unconformity contact between the overlying Frere Iron Formation and the underlying Yelma Formation of the Earaheedy Basin,

Zenith has a 25% interest in the project with the Company being free carried up until the completion of a bankable feasibility study.

Zenith’s funding partner, Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR), has outlined a Zinc/Lead exploration target for the project in the range of 100 – 120m tonnes at a grade ranging between 3.5% – 4.5% Zn-Pb. The exploration target is at a shallow depth (120mbs) and extends over 40km of prospective strike (completely open), which attests to this being a potential large-scale Zn-Pb deposit based on results delivered to date.

Earaheedy Zinc JV and surrounding 100% Zenith landholding

Zenith also holds a significant land package (100%) over a combined 100km of untested strike around the margins of the Earaheedy Basin that is believed to be prospective for new Zinc-Lead-Silver discoveries in the region.